Wednesday, July 23, 2008

So It's Been a Month

Long time, no talky! So Sorry! Anyway, two weddings, three emergency room trips, and one VBS excursion to Outrigger Island later, I am finally ready to update my blog. I could bore you with details, but there's truly nothing amusing to say about most of the above topics. I will, however, say that my Sister-in-law's wedding was absolutely amazing and I wish you all could have been there! She was stunning! And none of the music was traditional, which added to the beauty of the ceremony. The congregation sang "In Christ Alone" (the newer praise version, not the old Michael English version!). Then Steven sang the third verse as a solo and it gets really big and voluminous (is that a word? it should be!). Then a really big piano part and the doors flew open and the 4th verse was played instrumentally as she came down the aisle. Then Steven sang the last verse...and it was one of the most beautiful moments I"ve ever experienced! Truly, it was a picture of what we, as the church, should attain to be as the Bride of Christ. And truly, my, now, Brother-in=law, was the epitome of our Lord Jesus as he stood, in purity, watching his spotless bride approach and weeping with joy. In today's world, this was a rare, rare moment...which made this moment all the more special in my mind. I can't wait to get some photos from the bog day so I can post them also! In other unrelated news, Steven and I just got back from Atlanta. I was a was fabulous! I slept until 2:00 in the afternoon one day! The final day of our excursion I ventured forth into the unforgiving traffic of downtown and made my way to the Botanical gardens. I got to actually TOUCH a Dale Chihuly installation (don't tell...I'd rather not be arrested!)in the Fuqua Orchid Conservatory! He is my FAVE artist right now! He's a glassblower in case you're wondering. Check out his's amazing! And I actually watched a man blow was awesome! I"ve got to learn!


Ashley Smith ~ The Primary Source said...

Fun...I can't wait to see pics of the wedding.

I also hate I didn't make it to ATL to see you guys...gas prices have the big vacuum (that cannot be the right spelling) action!!