Thursday, June 26, 2008

I Know my _____ is Real

Yes, I wonder what should go in that child seems to have a different opinion than the rest of the world! "I Know My God is Real" is one of the songs from VBS this year. When we were leaving church last night, with the church secretary and one of the deacons coming out behind us, my kids were singing this song. Though Thomas couldn't seem to get out God...he was singing "pod" instead and this change evidently confused the girl child! Suddenly Rachael proudly proclaimed, "I know my POOP is real!" Needless to say, laughter ensued from everyone except my husband and I who, I think it's safe to assume, were BOTH mortified!


the hero formerly known as super said...

that is hilarious! kids are so much fun!

Mandy Mc said...

SO FUN! I'm looking forward to silliness like that with Cady.

Ashley Smith ~ The Primary Source said...


Oh, that girl!! She is too funny!!

Melissa said...

too funny; i love kids. if you will send me you email address i will add you to the list of approved readers of my blog. i decided to make it private for safety/security reasons. melissawalker731 @