Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Too Much of a Good Thing

I've always thought Dora and Diego were good influences...helping my children to become slightly bilingual. However, I am beginning to think I may have allowed serious confusion to occur instead.

This morning as I was cleaning out a closet, I heard my son responding excitedly to Diego (Dora's cousin for those of you without preschoolers). And then I really started listening to what was being said:

Diego: "Say amarillo!"
Thomas: "a home we go!"
Diego: "Now say rojo!"
Thomas: "Blow Hole!"

Indeed, too much of a good thing!


the hero formerly known as super said...

That's the most hilarious thing ever! Maybe you shouldn't let them watch unsupervised.

Ashley Smith ~ The Primary Source said...

rojo ='s blow hole...LOLOOLOL!!!!!!!